Tuesday 1 March 2011

Today was kind of a day for mixed emotions. It started off just your usual day... Get up, shower, go to work, have lunch with friends, go home, shower again (I like my hot showers lol), cook supper and laze around...

Just as I was finishing up my supper, my friend Mel called and she had awesome news ! Her hubby was finally moving up with her... Their military so they spend alot of time apart but this put a smile on both our faces ! I was estatic for her :D

Then I decided to call Dean... I'll probably regret that when my phone bill comes in, but whatever... He was happy to be home, over on the other side of the pond as he calls it... Looks like hes going to France though for a while, so I wont get to talk to him for the next couple of weeks.... It was nice talking to him , but to be honest, the more I talk to him the more I think it is good we decided to just remain friends... Hes very serious and an awesome guy... Handsome too :P but I like to have alittle fun. Sure I like to be serious, but its always nice to have alittle laugh every now and then...

So needless to say I was in a good mood after talking to two great friends. I was tired though because I had such a long day at work, didnt even make it to the gym... I decided I would just hope in my lazy boy next to the wood stove with some hot chocolate, a nice warm blanket and my laptop :)

I went on my blogs and seen that Two-Bit's mother died ... I felt so terrible for him. I always had such a soft spot for him... Never knew why he didnt bother to call me that night after the movies.... Maybe it was intimidation, or maybe he didnt think I'd leave Randy... I dont know, I always felt a special connection with him, even though we never spoke... Weird right ??? Hes a cutie though and I'll never forget his sense of humor ! He could always make me smile, even on the not so good days... I just hope hes okay....

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